Section 3: Course Content and Curriculum

To engage students, we curate and select course content. Any selection should align with learning goals. The content we select also reflects academic criteria to ensure the source is accurate, relevant, current, and free of bias. Most importantly, students need to be able to read and access course content. ​

When you present course content to your students, you have several options. You can use the existing textbook, or Open Educational Resources (OER). In addition, you can select a range of HCC, Digital Online or Publisher Resources to enhance your selections. To engage students, many instructors add video or multimedia options. It helps to ensure that you honor all copyright permissions.

Content Curation Process

During the content curation process, you gather, select and choose a range of content that allows your students to meet learning goals.
  1. Consider student learning needs during the selection process.
  2. Evaluate sources for credibility.
  3. Align or customize content to address course learning goals
  4. Integrate Content with existing course materials. Enhance with connections and commentary.
  5. Credit Sources

Section 3 of HCC’s online course quality rubric contains these standards:


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HCC Online Course High Quality Standards by Hillsborough Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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