9.7 Technical Skills

Include general and course-specific technical skills needed for success. Examples include using the LMS, using specific software and apps, using web-conferencing tools such as Teams, using online libraries, researching using the Internet, or other skills needed for the course.

Points: 1 (Important)

QM Alignment: 1.6


Are there specific technical skills required for success in your course? Consider adding information or links to tutorials to help those students who may need to develop those skills.

Student Technical Skills

To help students build essential technology skills, why not suggest the Academic Success Centers, or the online Smarthinking Tutoring. To be successful in your course, students will need to…
  • Basic Computer Skills:  Hardware and Operating Systems
  • Keyboarding Skills
  • Internet Searching, Browser Extensions, Enabling Accessibility Features
  • Online Communication, Social Media & Netiquette
  • Access content:  digital, video
  • Purchase, download, and install software
  • Convert documents into assorted formats





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