8.3 Instructor-to-Student Communication

A specific plan for the instructor interacting with students is clearly stated. Include opportunities for private communication between student/instructor. Consider including this in the syllabus and/or as part of the course orientation module.

Examples include a timeline for feedback and grades, the use of the course inbox, synchronous office hours, messaging in Teams.

Points: 3 (Essential)

QM Alignment: 5.3


In line with standard 8.1, as an instructor, regularly and effectively communicating with your students is very important for student success.

Ways to Meet Standard 8.3

  • A specific plan for the instructor interacting with students is clearly stated. Include opportunities for private communication between student/instructor. Consider including this in the syllabus and/or as part of the course orientation module.
  • Examples include a timeline for feedback and grades, the use of the course inbox, synchronous office hours, messaging in Teams.

Recommendations for Course Communication Policies

What do your course communication policies communicate to your students? Do your communication policies provide students with the following information?
  • Academic Netiquette?
  • Academic Integrity?
  • Communications Policy?
  • Discussion Protocols?
  • Aligned, Critical Prompt
  • Participation Range & Level
  • Peer Response Quality
  • Instructor Facilitated
  • Student Moderated
  • Format: Written, Audio, Video
  • Peer Response Policy?
  • Instructor Feedback Policy?


Sample Course Communication Policy

Course Communication Policy: When you communicate with class peers or the instructor, keep your communication respectful, collegiate and educational. We will be using a range of communication tools: email, discussions, chat, announcement, and gradebook comments. Our course also works on developing college-level communication skills. We may never meet in the physical world, but your words may leave a lasting impression. Course communications are part of our learning experience.
Basic communication guidelines include:
  • Apply netiquette to ensure your communication is college-level and positive.
  • Communicate logically and critically. Most of our communications will ask you to present your thoughts on an item. Be sure to support your position with examples or evidence. Use specific details.
  • Organize and format your communication for reader appeal, so we can easily understand your message and find all key points.
  • Preview, re-read and edit your posting carefully before you post. Check spelling and grammar.


  • See standard 8.1 for more resources on instructor-to-student communication


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