6.4 Assessment Instructions

Tests, quizzes, and other assessments include clear instructions, due dates, and evaluation criteria.

Points: 2 (Very Important)

QM Alignment: 3.6


Students are guided through the learning process of creating a product. This may require a series of steps and the evaluation of key course content.
  • What is needed?
  • Learning Purpose and Objectives
  • Minimum Assignment Requirements
  • Grading Criteria/Rubric
  • Required details and information
  • Learning Process via a series of steps
  • Suggested Learning Checkpoints
  • Course Assignment Policies

In line with standard 4.5 and standard 5.3, ensure your instructions for completing your assessments are clear and transparent.

The Transparency in Learning and Teaching site has guidance on making your course activities, assignments, and assessments clearer to your students, including a Transparent Assignment Template and Checklist.



The bottom of the transparent teaching site has several examples of transparent assessments and assignments.

Writing Directions for an Assignment

To successfully complete a written assignment, what details do the students need? What process should they follow?
  • Purpose, Learning Goals
  • Topic, Thesis and Structure
  • Requirements
  • Documentation Style
  • Open and Close Date?
  • Writing Style?
  • Writing Process?

Writing Directions for a Discussion

To successfully complete a class discussion, what steps do students need to take?
  • Purpose, Learning Goal?
  • Requirements?
  • Topic, Thesis, Structure
  • Format and Writing Style
  • Grading Rubric

Course Policies

  • Discussion Expectations
  • Peer Response Expectations



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HCC Online Course High Quality Standards by Hillsborough Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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