6.5 Assessment Submission

Tests, quizzes, and other assessments include submission requirements and instructions as well as acceptable formats.

Points: 2 (Very Important)


Students are ready to upload a final product, complete a discussion, or take a final assessment.
What is needed?
  • Ability to use a tool: quiz, discussion, or assignment.
  • Clear open and close dates, and times.
  • Clear settings.
  • Assignment Requirement Check
  • Grading Criteria
  • Canvas Tool Help Resources
  • Course Policies relate to Late Work

You don’t want your students to not succeed on an assignment or discussion simply because they were not able to figure out how to submit their work, they submitted it in the wrong format, or they missed the due date. Your assignment instructions, plus properly configuring the assignment options, may help lessen this issue.


  • Link to tutorials that help show students how to complete the activity. For example, Canvas student tutorials about how to reply to a discussion or submit an assignment.
  • You can restrict the file types accepted for a Canvas assignment.
  • Clearly state in the syllabus and in your graded assignments and activities your policy about accepting late work. See below for some different ideas about late work policies and systems.
To successfully complete a quiz, what do students need?  
  • Using the Quiz Tool?
  • Quiz Contents?
  • Settings and Time Limit?
  • Open and Close Date?
  • Attempts?
  • Honorlock?

How do students submit a final paper?

To successfully submit a written essay to an assignment box, what do students need?  
  • How to use the Assignment Tool?
  • Assignment Contents?
  • File Type(s)?
  • Assignment Requirements Checklist
  • Box Open and Close Date?
  • Attempts?
  • Turnitin?


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