1.9 College and Course Policies

Consider including course and college policies in the course syllabus.

Examples include policies for academic integrity, late assignments, test proctoring, accessibility requirements, student conduct, emergency policies, and all policies associated with the course.

Points: 2 (Very Important)

QM Alignment: 1.4


To meet Standard 1.9, you can provide students with information in the course syllabus and the Start Here module.

Consider which place is best for:

  • Course policies
    • Subject-specific
    • Assessment-specific
    • Teaching and learning
  • College policies
    • Drop/Add
    • Plagiarism
    • Diversity
  • Online learning policies
    • Netiquette
    • Discussion guidelines
    • Software such as Honorlock
    • Privacy (see also standard 1.13)


  • Include relevant course and college policies in the course syllabus.
  • Examples include policies for academic integrity, late assignments, test proctoring, accessibility requirements, student conduct, emergency policies, and all policies associated with the course.
  • As part of your academic integrity statement, consider adding an artificial intelligence (AI) policy statement. Here are some examples that might serve as a starting point. See also this Adapting Your Teaching to Generative AI handout for more resources and tips.

Common Issues

  • Missing policies, information about necessary technical skills (see standard 9.7), expectations about communication and discussion, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Do I need to have a separate page on expectations and policies?
    • Not necessarily. You could include your expectations in the assignments/discussions themselves, for example. The policies could be in your syllabus or elsewhere.


Other sample syllabus statements:

Student Code of Conduct

The Student Code of Conduct is provided as a means to provide an educational environment that requires respect, integrity and civility in all College-related activities.

Student Handbook and Academic Planner

The Student Handbook and Academic Planner is designed to serve as an informative guide for the academic year. The handbook provides information on the various college policies and resources available to students.

Course Policies

Policies specific to your course may include acceptance of late assignments, class attendance, testing policies (dropping the lowest test score), etc.



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