8.4 Student Participation Requirements

A specific policy or requirement for student participation is clearly stated. Consider including a participation statement in the course syllabus. If participation is part of the students’ grade, then this must be noted as part of the grading criteria outline in the course syllabus.

Points: 2 (Very Important)

QM Alignment: 5.4


You’ll want to specify how you expect students to participate in your course. What are the requirements and expectations. This might be delineated in the syllabus and/or your orientation module. Also spell out how or if participation will be evaluated or graded.

Ways to Meet Standard 8.4

  • A specific policy or requirement for student participation is clearly stated.
  • Consider including a participation statement in the course syllabus.
  • If participation is part of the students’ grade, then this must be noted as part of the grading criteria outlined in the course syllabus.


Sample Student Participation Requirements Policies

What protocols are in place for live meetings?

Class Meeting Policy: During this course, you will interact with the instructor and peers using the Chat and the web-conference tool, Microsoft Teams. In addition, you will use Teams for a presentation. Both tools record interaction. Once a class meeting or group chat are scheduled, the following policies apply. Web meetings and chats are interactive live events where we can explore course ideas. Professionalism and respect for your peers is necessary.
  • Interaction: In a live event, you should ask clarification questions after a peer presents. Your interaction should be positive and provide constructive positive feedback.
  • Recorded Access: You can review completed chats, meetings or presentations as needed. For Teams, a record link will be provided for you within 24 hours of the presentation end date.
  • Project Group Participation: Not attending or participating in a group meeting or presentation you have agreed to attend will result in a grade of 0 for that learning activity. Of course, you can review the recording.

How should students communicate with one another?

Peer Response and Review Policy: During course discussions and scheduled peer reviews, you are expected to make a positive contribution to the learning of your peers via peer response or evaluations.
When you peer respond, you should always
  • Apply netiquette to ensure your communication is college-level and positive.
  • Contribute to the learning experience by contrasting views, adding in new information, or providing resources.
  • Respect and acknowledge that peer views can add a diverse perspective to the topics we explore in this course.
  • Provide 2 to 3 useful tips that enhance a rough draft a peer has submitted for review. Support your advice with examples or resources.




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