1.13 Student Privacy and Data Protection

Consider including privacy statements in the course syllabus or on a separate page in the course orientation module. Examples include HCC’s privacy policy, privacy policies for the LMS and other technologies or external vendor content used in the course, links to the privacy policies of social media or other third-party content used in the course, etc. (Most vendors have privacy policies on their websites.).

Points: 1 (Important)

QM Alignment:  6.4


Include information about the privacy policies of the college and any tools you are using in your course, including Canvas.


  • Include privacy statements in the course syllabus or on a separate page in the course orientation module.
  • Examples include HCC’s privacy policy, privacy policies for the LMS and other technologies or external vendor content used in the course, links to the privacy policies of social media or other third-party content used in the course, etc.
  • It is recommended that for any software you use, link to information about 1) system requirements, 2) privacy policies, and 3) accessibility. Privacy and accessibility statements from many different vendors are listed below.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where should I put information about technology privacy policies and accessibility statements?
    • Your syllabus or perhaps in an orientation module page, such as this sample page.
  • What about public sites, social media, blogs?
    • If your students are using public sites, such Wikipedia, social media, blogs, etc., it is recommended that they have the option to not use their real names or share any other identifying information, such as a photo. They should also have the option to delete their data. See FERPA regulations, as well.


Some Vendor Privacy and Accessibility Policies


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