10.10 Accessible Microsoft Word Documents

Use the built-in accessibility features such as headings and alt text to create accessible documents.

Heading 1 should be used as the title, and there should be one Heading 1 in the document. All other headings should follow a sequential order without skipping a heading level.

Add meaningful hyperlink text and ScreenTips so that clear and accurate information is conveyed about the destination.

To convey meaning, bold or italics should always be used instead of color

Points: 3 (Essential)

QM Alignment: 8.3, 8.4


Microsoft Word documents should be accessible to persons with visual disabilities, including those who may use a screen reader to assist with reading.


  • Blackboard Ally will check Word documents in your Canvas course for any accessibility issues
  • Microsoft Word has its own Accessibility Checker that will guide you in fixing any accessibility issues
  • Rename files or links to files to be readable by screen readers. For example, a link to a file called “Syllabus-Fall2023.docx” might be labeled something like “Fall 2023 Syllabus”



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