9.4 Technology Variety

A variety of technology is used in the course.

Examples include video, synchronous conferencing tools, simulations, web-based tools, varied tools within the LMS, etc.

Points: 1 (Important)

QM Alignment: 6.3


Consider using a variety of tools in your course for learning and engagement beyond just traditional video lectures, assignments, and quizzes/tests. Canvas has other tools, as well, such as discussions, peer review and annotation assignments, video quizzes and commenting (via Canvas Studio), and groups. And there are numerous free 3rd party tools (see the bottom of standard 9.3 for some examples). Students can use Microsoft Teams to work together in groups even if there are no official synchronous (live) class meetings.

Ways to Meet Standard 9.4

  • A variety of technology is used in the course.
  • Examples include video, synchronous conferencing tools, simulations, web-based tools, varied tools within the LMS, etc.

Employ a Variety of Technology

To complete course learning activities and assignments, your students may need to utilize…
  • Software Suites:  Microsoft Office, Google
  • Publisher Packages
  • LMS Tools
  • Installing Peripherals
  • Data Management
  • Virus Protection, Privacy, & Security Awareness
NOTE: Once you select a technology tool, you need to provide students with support and accessibility information.


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