9.3 Student Engagement

Course technology tools promote student engagement.

Examples of course technology that promotes student engagement include synchronous communication tools (Teams), shared documents (Google docs), automated quizzes, simulations.

Points: 3 (Essential)

QM Alignment: 6.2


Consider which technologies and Canvas LMS tools students use to complete basic course learning activities and enhance engagement.

Ways to Meet Standard 9.3

  • Course technology tools promote student engagement.
  • Examples of course technology that promotes student engagement include synchronous communication tools (Teams), shared documents (Google docs), automated quizzes, simulations.

Engaging with Technology

Student Engagement Goal

To create a thriving learning community in an online course, consider how you can 
  • Initiate and model interaction and create faculty presence?
  • Encourage students to interact with course content and activities?
  • Encourage students to interact with each other?
  • Create a learning community?
Student engagement increases student satisfaction, enhances student motivation to learn, reduces the sense of isolation, and improves student performance in online courses.

Are your students an Engaged Learning Community?

  • Student to Content?—Modules, Pages, Activities?
  • Student to Student?—Discussions, Collaborative Tools?
  • Instructor to Student?—Presence, Feedback, Facilitation?

Common Issues

  • Technology is only used for rote learning or summative assessment purposes



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