4.1 Course Activity Alignment

State the relationship between module-level objectives and course learning activities. Examples include a course map that could be included in the course orientation module or as part of the syllabus, a module introduction page that includes a relationship statement, a numbering system that identifies the relationship between items.

Points: 3 (Essential)

QM Alignment: 2.4, 5.1


During any lesson learning path, instructors will use a variety of teaching strategies and learning activities to attend to student learning needs.  

In line with standards 2.3, 3.1, 5.1, 6.1 and 9.1, your course activities should align with your module learning objectives. See standard 2.3 for more resources and information about alignment with module learning objectives and course mapping.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is the difference between activities, assignments, and assessments?
    • Activities include non-graded student activities, such as practice activities, as well as graded or non-graded student-to-student engagement activities such as discussions and group projects (standard 4.2). Participation is under standard 8.4.
    • Assignments (section 5) are graded submission activities, such as a research paper or project.
    • Assessments (section 6) are other graded activities such as quizzes and exams. Self-assessments are under standard 7.4.




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