10.5 Canvas Page Accessibility

Use proper heading levels and text formatting styles. Limit the use of color. Include ample white space.

Points: 3 (Essential)

QM Alignment: 8.3


Using text headers to begin sections rather than merely making text bold or a different color. Screen readers allow for users to quickly move between headers. Ensure that headers are logically and hierarchically organized.

Canvas Accessibility Checker

When you use the Rich Content Editor to create Pages, Quizzes, Discussions, or Assignments, you can use the Accessibility Checker to verify basic page accessibility.

Immersive Reader

You and your students can use the Immersive Reader to read text in Canvas.


  • When editing pages and descriptions of activities with the Canvas rich content editor, use text headers to start new sections instead of simply making the text bold or a different color, to be more accessible to screen readers.
  • Stick with the built-in text fonts and colors, or else choose sans-serif fonts and high contrast colors.
  • Ensure text has proper grammar, spelling, reading level, and uses plain language.
  • View your course in the Canvas Student app to ensure that it is accessible to students who access it that way. UCF found that 80% of students access their courses via this app every week.



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