1.7 First Week Requirement

Students must establish a record of participation in academically related activities to comply with the first week participation requirement required to receive federal financial aid. NOTE: Logging into the course and not completing an activity or graded item does not meet the first week requirement needed for federal financial aid. Examples include a syllabus quiz, discussion, assignment, exam, or other academically related activity.

Points: 3 (Essential)

Alignment: SI – SACS, Federal Requirement for Financial Aid


How do you ensure students are actively attending during week 1? Students must establish a record of participation in academically related activities to comply with the first week participation requirement required to receive federal financial aid. Often, students complete a quiz or a discussion to meet this requirement. ​

Include information about key academic dates:

  • Add/Drop​
  • WN Deadline


Students can establish participation during the first week by completing one of the following:
  • syllabus quiz
  • discussion activity, such as one that allows students to introduce themselves
  • assignment
  • exam
  • other academically related activity


Sample introductory discussion prompt

Learning Outcomes

  • Introduce yourself to your peers and instructor
  • Create at least two personal learning goals for this course


Please share something about yourself and reply to at least two (2) of your peers. Please include the following:

  1. Name:
  2. Major:
  3. My learning goals for this course:
  4. My 2 favorite hobbies or interests:

Please respond to at least two of your peers by selecting the “Reply” button below.

Tutorial: How do I reply to a discussion as a student?

Grading Rubric for Discussion

Rubric: Student Introductions Discussion
Criteria Ratings Pts

Initial Post

10 pts

The original post is made before the due date and fulfills required elements

5 pts

The original post partially fulfills required elements

0 pts

No post is made before the due date
10 pts

Replies to Peers

10 pts

Two replies are made before the due date and fulfills the required element:

5 pts

One reply is made before the due date and fulfills the required element

0 pts

No reply is made before the due date
10 pts
Total Points: 20




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