1.12 Student Introductions

Ask students to introduce themselves to the class. Examples include an introductions discussion forum included in the orientation module, individual introductions during the first live synchronous class session.

Points: 1 (Important)

QM Alignment: 1.9


During the first week of the class, give students a chance to “warm up” and engage with one another.  Provide an opportunity for students to introduce themselves via discussion board, icebreaker activity, or other community building exercise.

Common Issues

  • No opportunity for students to get to know each other.


Sample introductory discussion prompt

Learning Outcomes

  • Introduce yourself to your peers and instructor
  • Create at least two personal learning goals for this course


Please share something about yourself and reply to at least two (2) of your peers. Please include the following:

  1. Name:
  2. Major:
  3. My learning goals for this course:
  4. My 2 favorite hobbies or interests:

Please respond to at least two of your peers by selecting the “Reply” button below.

Tutorial: How do I reply to a discussion as a student?

Grading Rubric for Discussion

Rubric: Student Introductions Discussion
Criteria Ratings Pts

Initial Post

10 pts

The original post is made before the due date and fulfills required elements

5 pts

The original post partially fulfills required elements

0 pts

No post is made before the due date
10 pts

Replies to Peers

10 pts

Two replies are made before the due date and fulfills the required element:

5 pts

One reply is made before the due date and fulfills the required element

0 pts

No reply is made before the due date
10 pts
Total Points: 20



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