1.10 Prerequisite Knowledge
Consider including prerequisite courses, knowledge, and skills in the course syllabus. Examples include discipline-specific knowledge/skills; general skills needed; and recommended skills to enhance success in your course.
Points: 1 (Important)
QM Alignment: 1.7
Your course description should also include all necessary pre-requisites. Consult the HCC Catalog.
- Include required pre-requisite courses, knowledge, and skills in the course syllabus.
- Examples include discipline-specific knowledge/skills; general skills needed; and recommended skills to enhance success in your course.
This information could be put in the syllabus and/or a page in your orientation module.
Sample Pre-requisite Knowledge Information
EDP 2002 is designed to examine the branch of psychology that focuses on teaching and learning. Students will be exposed to topics such as cognitive, social, and brain development, theories of learning, socio-cultural teaching approaches, classroom management principles, motivation, and assessments, including standardized testing. Students will explore current and critical issues in educational psychology. This course is designed especially for prospective teachers.
Pre-requisites include the successful completion of PSY 2012 and college-level reading, writing, and thinking skills.