9.6 Technical Support

Module or assignment instructions include a link or clear description of the available tech support as well as how to obtain it.

Examples include links to tech support for external tech used in the course or specific assignments, college tech support resources, links to tutorials or other tech resources.

Points: 3 (Essential)

QM Alignment: 7.1


In line with standard 1.6 concerning academic support, you should also provide information to your students about how to get technical support.


HCC Student Information Hub!

Students can access a range of resources in the HCC Student Information Hub. This SharePoint site is specifically designed to meet their needs and provides a wealth of information.

On the Menu!​

​Within MyHCC, students can also access help via the Global Menu. They can call or chat with Canvas Help.

Sample HCC Technical Support Policy​

​To resolve NetID password issues or technical questions, use the HCC Live Online Support Center which is available 24/7. You can chat with a technician, phone support, or review resources.

To address the needs of online students, the HCC Online Learning Hub has a range of resources.

  • Online Learning Retention Coordinators
  • Online Readiness Resources
  • How-to Guides on Technology
  • Success Tips




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HCC Online Course High Quality Standards by Hillsborough Community College is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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