5.4 Assignment Submission

Instructions for submitting assignments are provided and include a description of acceptable file/software formats.

Consider including a general statement in the course syllabus as well as specific instructions with each assignment.

Points: 2 (Very Important)


You don’t want your students to not succeed on an assignment or discussion simply because they were not able to figure out how to submit their work, they submitted it in the wrong format, or they missed the due date. Your assignment instructions, plus properly configuring the assignment options, may help lessen this issue.


  • Link to tutorials that help show students how to complete the activity. For example, Canvas student tutorials about how to reply to a discussion or submit an assignment.
  • You can restrict the file types accepted for a Canvas assignment.
  • Clearly state in the syllabus and in your graded assignments and activities your policy about accepting late work. See below for some different ideas about late work policies and systems.


Example Assignment Submission Policy

During this course, you will complete 8 different assignments.  All assignments will be submitted to a dropbox in MyHCC/Canvas. When you submit an assignment for grading, your instructor needs to be able to find, view it, and make comments to complete grading.  Submitting an attachment to a dropbox is a common task you will need to complete throughout your college journey.   When you submit an assignment for grading, be sure to
  1. Double check all directions and grading rubrics to ensure your assignment is complete.
  2. Understand how the drop box works. Review the Assignment Submissions Video (4:34).
  3. Apply basic format to your assignment: title, pages, paragraphs, double space.  This allows your instructor to easily read and comment.
  4. Name your file clearly. Use your full name and assignment title, as in sophiakowalskifinancialworksheet.doc
  5. Attach the right file. Usually, you’ll need to save your file as a Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, a jpeg, url, or PDF File. This allows your instructor to make comments on the actual file. 
After you submit, return to the assignment box to verify you uploaded the correct file.

Additional Policies

If you routinely feature projects or presentations, you may want to consider adding policy statements to your syllabus that cover
  • Academic Integrity
  • Documentation Style or Format
  • Project Expectations



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