4.6 Varied Teaching Strategies

A variety of learning activities/teaching strategies are included to meet the needs of all students. Avoid the use of all group work, or all autonomous work, or use of only one or two strategies.

Points: 2 (Very Important)

QM Alignment: 3.4


Utilizing a variety of activities helps ensure all your students can meet your course intended outcomes and increase engagement and motivation.

Active Learning

Active learning methods invite students to engage in their learning by thinking, discussing, investigating, and creating. These methods enhance the student learning experience.
During a lesson, students practice skills, solve problems, explore complex questions, make decisions, propose solutions, and explain ideas in their own words through writing and discussion.
To support learning, timely feedback from the instructors and peers can enhance the learning process.


Here are some assessment examples but they also apply to other activities.

Examples of assessments that are sequenced, varied, and suited to the outcomes of the course:

  • First assessments may be matching definitions, second may be a written summary, and the third may be a full paper.
  • First assessment may be outline, then draft, culminating in delivery of the presentation

Examples of assessments that are not sequenced, varied, and suited to the outcomes of the course:

  • All the assessment questions are multiple choice.
  • First assessment has questions covered in later modules.
  • All assessments are due during the last three weeks of the course.
  • All assessments consist only of the textbook end of the chapter questions


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