3.2 Readability

Examples include appropriate use of white space, limited use of color, appropriate color contrast, san serif fonts, consistent use of font types, use of header text for screen readers, written at an academic level appropriate for the course, etc.

Points: 3 (Essential)

QM Alignment: 8.2


Readability reflects how easily students can read and understand the text found in course content. Readability can be impacted by:
  • Education Level
  • Student Level
  • Language Level
  • Presentation
  • Hierarchy & Structure
  • Headers
  • Scannable Content & Text
  • White Space & Use of Separators
  • Consistency & Organization
  • Key Idea Emphasis & Graphics
  • Font Style
  • Color Contrast
  • Line Height
  • Letter Spacing
  • Line Length
  • Text Density

Ways to Meet Standard 3.2

  • appropriate use of white space
  • limited use of color
  • appropriate color contrast
  • san serif fonts, consistent use of font types
  • use of header text for screen readers
  • captioned video and multimedia
  • written at an academic level appropriate for the course
  • consistent headings for content




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