
Write one of the following types of poems: ekphrastic, found, or list poem. You may write it in first-person point of view (I, me, my we, us, etc.) or third-person point of view (he, she, it, they, etc.) Here is a list of poem suggestions:

  • Visit a local art museum and write an ekphrastic poem that is inspired by one of the pieces of artwork.
  • Find a famous painting, sculpture, photograph online and write an ekphrastic poem about it.
  • Read a chapter in a novel and write a found poem from an excerpt of it.
  • Read a newspaper or journal article and write a found poem from an excerpt of it.
  • Find a famous speech online and write a found poem from an excerpt of it.
  • Write a list poem with the title “Things Found in…”

You get the idea, right? Brainstorm a list of your own ideas, a variation of one of the above, or use one of the above ideas.

Show Don’t Tell

Remember to use specific nouns and strong action verbs. Remember to use your senses: sight, sound, taste, touch, and smell. Remember to include literary devices like assonance, consonance, alliteration, onomatopoeia, rhythm, meter, end-line stop, enjambment, caesura. Of course, poets use less words than fiction writers, too.

Line Breaks

Follow the traditional line breaks and format that most free-verse poets use. Mae the line breaks where there is punctuation, an end of a phrase, or the end of a sentence unless you are deliberating using enjambment.

Final Draft Instructions

Follow these instructions for typing the final draft:

  • The poem must be typed in a Microsoft Word file (.docx)
  • It must have one-inch margins, be single-spaced, and typed in a 12 pt. readable font like Times New Roman, Calibri, or Arial.
  • Don’t allow the auto-correct in Microsoft Word to capitalize the first line of each poem. Use conventional English rules to write your lines.
  • In the upper left-hand corner of page 1, type your first and last name, the name of the class, the date the assignment is due, and the assignment name:

Jane Doe
ENGL 1465–Creative Writing
Due Date
Writing Assignment: Last Poem

  • Be sure to give your poem a title. Do not bold, enlarge, or punctuate the title. Capitalize the first word and each important word in the title.


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Introduction to Creative Writing by Lumen Learning is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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